Co-organisation and tutoring of four design studios at the Erasumus University College Department of Landscape Architecture, linked to the ‘Welkom in mijn tuin’ research project (in collaboration with Geert Meysmans and Wim Collet).

In the context of this project design research was carried out with the landscape architecture students on several sites where the City of Antwerp had encountered bottlenecks and/or issues related to the theme of the study while drawing-up their Urban Green Plan. The selected sites were:

  • Tarzanboskes (this site was worked on by the 2nd year students from the regular course in the 1st semester of the academic year ’14-’15)
  • Monastery & Basilica of the Sacred Heart (these sites were worked on by the 2nd year students of the flex course in the 1st semester of the academic year ’14-’15)
  • Van Kerckhovestraat & Fonteinstraat (these sites were worked on by the 3rd year students of the flex course students in the 1st semester of the academic year ’14-’15)
  • WZC Sint-Camillus (these sites were worked on by the regular course students for their bachelor thesis )

The design research results were presented to the city, some site actors, and ANB during the juries in January 2015. They inspired the city and the site actors to look differently at these sites and in some cases, helped to de-block the planning process. The processed findings from the design research were also incorporated into the ‘Welkom in mijn tuin’ research.

Type of project:






Project partners:

EhB Landscape Architecture Department, city of Antwerp, ANB


service-learning tutor

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